
Integrative Medicine Visits

In-office visits or telehealth video visits available. A comprehensive medical experience that focuses on the entire functional health system.

  • The average new patient appointment is 90 minutes long. Patients will less complicated conditions may have shorter appointment times. You will only be charged for the amount of time you require. Typical visits lengths:

    New patient visit 90 mins

    Second visit 60-90 mins

    Follow-up visit 45-60 min

    Lab/Diagnostic review 30 mins

    Check-in (complex) 30 mins

    Check-in (simple) 15 mins

  • If lab work is necessary, patients have the option to use their insurance or pay out of pocket. My payment options for standard and comprehensive labs range from $110-$350.

  • New Patient Visit $330

    15 minutes $55

    30 minutes $110

    45 minutes $165

    60 minutes $220

    90 minutes $330

  • This service does not guarantee continued care or consistent management. Patients who would like consistent access and care can enroll in the Direct Primary Care option.

Direct Primary Care

In-office visits or telehealth video visits available. A comprehensive medical experience that focuses on holistic primary care. Patients will receive continuous care and monitoring for various conditions for a monthly membership fee.

  • New patient enrollment visits are 90 minutes. Membership fees are charged monthly or every 3 months. Patients may be required to schedule a 45 minute follow-up visit at 6 months. Patients have the option for out of pocket labs costs ranging from $110-$350.

  • New Patient Visit $220

    Membership fee $55 per month

    15 minute visit $0

    30 minute visit $55

    45 minute visit $110

    60 minute visit $165

  • Membership includes provider access, prescription drug monitoring, and sick visits. There is no charge for a 15 minute visit or communication, if scheduled once a month. Additional visits and lengths are available at a discounted rate.

  • Direct primary care provides you with timely access to integrative healthcare. It is not a substitution for insurance or a primary care provider. Please see the resources page for what services I do not offer.

Metabolic Rebalancing

In-office visits or telehealth video visits available. Patients must have lab work completed prior to starting any peptide, hormone, or metabolic balancing therapy.

  • Metabolic rebalancing is ideal for individuals suffering from weight problems, oxidative stress, chronic disease, autoimmune conditions, and inflammatory conditions.

  • Treatment length ranges from 3-9 months. Monthly vitamin, mineral, amino acid/peptide, and hormone therapy may be necessary and can be mailed directly to your home.

  • Initial Visit (60 mins) $220

    Monthly Fee* $100-$1000

    Lab Rates (Access)* $110-$350

    *Rates vary based on condition, therapy intensity, and compounded medications.

  • Compounded, speciality medications can be shipped directly to your home. Patients who fill their prescriptions through insurance, or another pharmacy, will have a discounted management rate. Injections can be provided in the office.

Astrological Health and Human Design

Explore what it means to be a unique individual using astrology and the Human Design System. Using birth information, a chart is generated which contains the individual quantum mechanics of our existential experience. This chart focuses on the impact planetary and astrological alignments have on our health and wellbeing.

  • Once I receive your birth information, an in-office or video visit will be scheduled. Expect at least 2 weeks for chart reports to be completed. This will affect the appointment time.

    HD Health Chart Analysis: 90 mins

    HD Child Health Analysis: 60 mins

    Follow-up HD Visit: 60 mins

  • Date of birth, exact time of birth, and location of birth is required.

    Because astrology and the Human Design System are very complex, different levels of analysis can be completed.

  • HD Health Chart Analysis: $250

    HD Child Health Analysis: $150

    Follow-up HD Visit: $100

Health Coaching

Telehealth video visits available. A comprehensive lifestyle repatterning experience that focuses on the entire functional health system. This is the perfect service for individuals who are looking for lifestyle change instead of prescription medications. No medications are prescribed during coaching.

  • The initial consultation is 60 minutes, with monthly 45 minute follow-up visits. After meeting, a functional lifestyle plan will be provided, focusing on your individual goals and experiences.

  • Plans are most beneficial following 3, 6, to 12 month intervals. This allows for consistent assessment and modifying interventions to meet goals.

    Monthly telehealth coaching visits are 45 minutes

  • Initial Visit (60 mins) $165

    Follow-up Visit (45 mins) $80

Expert Opinion Services

90 minute in-office or telemedicine video appointments are available. This also includes a complete records review with additional supportive documentation. This service is beneficial for patients who need an in-depth analysis of previous records and diagnostics with professional recommendations:

  • VA Disability paperwork, including Nexus Letter

    Care coordination for patients with multiple specialists, conflicting plans of care, or new treatment plan recommendations.

    Insurance letters

    Expert opinion recommendation letters with supporting sources

  • Please have all records in your possession. I do not request records from other providers/offices, pharmacies, or diagnostic centers.

  • Starting at $500 for limited diagnoses.

    $330 for the initial visit, then remaining cost to be determined based on condition complexity and documentation requested.